Assignment Feedback: Refining and Expanding Personal Practice

FEEDBACK : Refining and Expanding Personal Practice

I had the opportunity to present my work at the midpoint of the program. The feedback was encouraging - my project is progressing well, shaping up to exciting outcomes. This is not just a morale booster but an affirmation that I am on the right track.

One profoundly insightful suggestion was to delve into the 'reading' and 'experiencing' of landscapes from diverse perspectives. This concept, I acknowledge, would form the crux of my exegesis. It's a compelling idea, pushing me to broaden my viewpoint and understanding. What does it mean to experience a landscape? Is it purely a visual encounter, or does it engage our other senses? How does one's background and personal experiences affect their perception of the same landscape? These are questions I'm excited to explore.

The advice to invest more time in theoretical landscape readings resonated with me. Although it may seem like a daunting task, I understand its essential role in the research process. Immersing myself in these theoretical readings can offer valuable insights and deepen my understanding of the subject matter, thereby enhancing the quality of my work.

Moreover, I was encouraged to incorporate more experimental contextual research into my project. This could include site-specific work, studying the work of photobook makers/designers, and delving into installation and concept art. These fascinating areas promise to add depth and richness to my project.

To conclude, I plan to be more active in theoretical landscape readings during the next few months. Though potentially daunting, this is an essential step towards enhancing my understanding of the subject matter and, consequently, the quality of my final exegesis. As a result, I anticipate devoting less time to capturing images for the project in the immediate future. This time spent has laid a great foundation and set the stage for the final six months of my MA journey, where the focus will shift towards synthesising my findings and working towards the project outcomes.


Literature Review: Tourist selfies as image-making: narratives of self and place.


Workshop : Week 3 - The Art of Photobook Sequencing